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- UCT series -
Compact Finger Jointing Machine

Product Specifications

Compact Finger Jointing Machine


Since the development of wooden constructure, GLT/CLT become the rising star. 
Compared with traditional reinforced concrete structure, the carbon dioxide emitted by CLT wooden buildings has been greatly reduced by 60-70%, and it can also effectively lock Carbon dioxide.
FURNIMATE work for wooden construction market for many years. In 2023, the UCT series dedicated to GLT has been developed. UCT-S need a smaller space and work nimbly. there is inverter output control, exactly power calcuation and air consumption statistics, saves every bit of earth resources for human.

= Standard /  o(—) = Optional  /  - = No configuration  /  F = Fully automatic configuration  / H = Configure the pre-joint system / B = Configure rear feeding conveyor system / C = Simple Conveyor Configuration / 2L = Double finger assembler configuration


ADD / 

No.62, Ln.549, Sec.2, Sanfeng Rd., Fengyuan Dist., Taichung City 42073 Taiwan

P.O.BOX: 375 Fengyuan, Taiwan.


+886-4-25248780 / +886-4-25225778





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